Programs & Outreach
Using Programs to Touch Lives
We help create Father friendly communities, reunite families, and enhance the leadership capacity of fathers!
As mentioned in the Mission Statement 2NOT1 utilizes various strategies to do the work. The strategies include programs, outreach efforts, fundraising, and evaluations and assessments.

High Road Leadership Development
High Road Leadership Development is an eight-week training geared for parents and individuals. This training does not teach fathers and parents how to parent. This training increases, the leadership capacity of fathers and parents. In doing so all areas of a participant’s live improve from the way their rear their children, to how they co-parent, and how they interact with co-workers or deal with people in their social circle.

Parent Advocates
Parent Advocates are parents who have faced challenges as parent. Many of the parents navigated the child welfare system and were able to have their children returned to their custody. It is because of this experience these parents are the best resource for parents who are currently involved with the child welfare system.

Rites of Passage
Rites of Passage is a program for young black boys between 4th & 8th grades. These boys often come from single-parent homes headed by mothers. The boys participate in weeks of discussion, and trips, and connected with mentors.

Youth Development
Youth Development is something big for 2NOT1. When COVID happened 2NOT1 supported the school district by providing Non-traditional Instruction to children so they wouldn’t fall behind in the classroom.
Raise Awareness Through Outreach
It’s important that 2NOT1 stays connected with the community. The following are some of the ways 2NOT1 can support the community.
Mother’s Forum
Mother’s Forum is 2NOT1’s effort to support mothers and the role they play in the lives of children. This event provides resources and a day of exhaling for all the mothers in attendance.

Father’s Day Cookout
Father’s Day cookout is an opportunity for 2NOT1 to support fathers.

Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion of child welfare professionals that include family court judge, child protective workers, school district representative, and fatherhood advocate.

Family Affair
Family Affairs are activities that 2NOT1 offers to families and the community. These activities are offered so that families can spend quality time together. Some of the Family Affairs are the Gun Safety & Violence Prevention, Camping, and Karate.